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How to buy new GPS update / maps after 3 years!

I am going around in circles trying to find how to update my expired GPS. Where can I buy the update from and download using a USB device?




  • First, determine the brand and model of your GPS device. This information is crucial as updates and map purchases are usually brand-specific.

    • Go to the official website of your GPS device's manufacturer. Some common brands i.n.c.l.u.d.e Garmin, TomTom, Magellan, and others.
    • Navigate to the support section or look for a specific area dedicated to maps and software updates. This is often found under "Support" or "Downloads." snow rider
    • If you haven't already, you may need to register your device on the manufacturer's website. This often involves creating an account and providing your device's serial number.
    • Look for the option to purchase map updates. Manufacturers typically offer updates for a fee. You may also find lifetime update options if you're considering long-term use.
    • Download the software provided by the manufacturer for map updates. This software often assists with the download and transfer of maps to your GPS device.